Friday, January 23, 2009

So Proud:The Bachelor

This week on The Bachelor had to have been my fav. I am soooo proud of Jason. He is really starting to show that he is a deep, loving, and caring person. Wow, that's a first!

Seriously though, first of all, he takes Stephanie out on a romantic date on her daughters birthday. Then, he surprises her by bringing her daughter out to California so she can see her on her birthday! I have to admit, the reunion had me teary eyed. Stephanie, although I didn't really like her at first, is really starting to grow on me. She is a sweet heart, and I wouldn't mind if Jason ended up choosing her.

However, actually going for the one you are compatible with but may not be a show stopper does not make for good tv. Therefore, Jason took Natalie (the shallow blonde) out on a date. It was obvious the chemistry just was not there. The conversation was so awkward and uncomfortable between the two. You could tell there was a lot of physical attraction, but when Natalie kept trying to kiss Jason, he was having none of it! I loved it! A guy that actually turns down a beautiful girl because that's all there is to her. Who woulda thought?!?!

And then, to make it even better, Jason decided to tell Natalie that he can't give her the rose and she will be returning home that night. It was like Jeckyl and Hyde with her after he rejected her. Let's just say, I wouldn't want to be on her bad side. But I am glad that Jason decided to do the right thing, and not lead her on just because he is physically attracted to her.

On the group date, of course, they did something charitable, and every single girl wanted their chance to spend alone time with Jason. And Shannon, well she's just weird. I was embarrassed for her. She acts like a little girl with a crush on Jason... weird. BUT, somehow, she stays! Thank God Erica went home though!! I don't think I could take anymore of that obnoxious person!!!! Can't wait til next week!!

I really think Melissa ends up fact, I'm going to go ahead and call it and say she does. I just love her!! :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

My New Pink Jeans

I bought a new pair of Hot Pink Straight Leg Jeans the other day... and I love them!!

When straight leg jeans first came out this decade... I remember, the Old Navy commercial of the girl dancing around in a club with black straight leg jeans and black flats. I thought "Oh no, not me! I wouldn't be caught dead in straight leg jeans!! And flats!!! How terrible does that look?"

Yet here I am, about 2 and 1/2 years later... buying hot pink straight leg jeans! What a hypocrite I am! Or have I just finally come to my senses that this trend is actually really cute? And with the right shirt and shoes, straight leg (i.e. skinny jeans) can be extremely flattering!!!

But do we have to stick with the whole "In with the old, out with the new!" motto? Because I will have a hard time letting go of my flairs. In fact, I WILL NOT let go of them. I think they are a staple in every wardrobe.

In conclusion, if it comes down to choosing my flairs or skinny jeans, I say yes. HAHA I refuse to choose.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Bachelor

FINALLY, the LONG awaited new season of The Bachelor premiered last night and many of us tuned in for the perfect equation of a good reality show... hot guy+stalker girls+cute girls+the girls that claim "their mom told them about" Jason= The Bachelor Jason Style. :)

Which, is it just me or do you think some of the girls are just into him to get to Tye? Because I totally would be, he is such a freakin cute kid!! I can't deny it is pretty appealing that Jason is a single dad who "chose" to stay in his son's life.

But on to the JUICY stuff.... Not to be a hater, but I def. cannot STAND Sharon or Dom. Shannon WAS cute, until she opened her mouth. And Nikki (the girl who received the first impression rose) is way tooooo polished for my taste... Miss Illinois. I'd say Raquel is the most exotic and therefore the hottest, but I really thought Kari was pretty cute too. There were a few girls that were so BLAND to even REMEMBER, but I was pretty dissapointed that Shelby wasn't chosen to stay.

And Jilian... well, what do you say about a girl who bases her relationships on what a man chooses to decorate his "hot dog" with?? Well, I will leave it at that. Although, I am a mustard sorta person, so am I the kinda person people want to settle down with?? Haha, I don't want to know the answer to that.

I LOVED the plot to vote off the girl the majority of the girls "didn't think was compatible with Jason"... haha suckers!! That's what you get for being caddy!! And Megan, one of my favorites, congratulations girl! Everyone thinks you're their biggest threat! And don't feel bad, if it weren't a competition people would love you! But just for that reason, the girls that would normally love you are going to try to tear you down.

And last but not least, I CANNOT forget to mention Stephanie, who scriptedly "lost her husband in a traggic plane crash". My sympathies to go out to widows no doubt, but way to put pressure on Jason to choose you because he feels sorry for you! That's something you mention a few dates in.... not the first night.

Well that's just my opinion, but good for him for being so down to earth and choosing MOST of the normal, adorable girls.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So I am starting this blog as my own personal way of keeping records and notes of my favorite things. This is really unlike me to do something of this nature, probably because it bothers me when certain people (not to be mentioned) blog about stupid pointless things (this does not include you, Skates, I like your blog :) ) and think that people actually read them and care about them. I totally understand if you actually have some interesting things going on in your life ie. a new marriage, a new baby, a new job etc.

So just to make sure I do not fall under the category of stupid, pointless, uninteresting and self-centered blogs, I want to clarify what this blog is all about. Hence the title "My Favorite Things" which happen to include but not only fashion, celebrities, movies, trends, magazines, random and interesting news events, and topics of deep discussion such as religion and politics.
I really want to use this as a way to express my opinions but also confusions and delimas and to learn and be enlightened by other people who share the same interests as me. Please feel free to join me and/or correct me on anything you like!

So to start off, I just wanted to mention a few of my favorite shows that are on right now. If you have not discovered "Blush: The Next Great Makeup Artist" on Lifetime, I would recommend catching the last few episodes. These make up artists bring a whole new perspective on high fashion make up. Love love love Maxi! He may need to tone down his personality a tad bit, but his work is incredible!

Scream Queens just had its finale last night and to my surprise, Michelle did not win the role as the next main girl in Saw Six. Congratulations to Tanedra, who proved that just because you have acting "training" does not mean you are a worthy actress. As I have always said, acting can be enhanced, but it is a talent that people are born with, it cannot be learned. You either have it or you don't. In which Tanedra's case, she came from no acting experience and blew all of the "seasoned veterans" out of the water!

And of course, my all time favorite, "King of Queens". Which by the way, I found out that not only is Leah Remini a good friend of JLo's, but she is also a scientologist!! Who would of thought! It's hard watching the show now and believing that Carrie is still this tell it to you straight kind of woman, when in real life, she is a crazy scientologist, tomcruise sorta person!